Monday, April 18, 2011

Create an Amazing Life

 This will be the theme of this blog.  Please bear with me I am just learning but want to write about what I am passionate about and help others find and be passionate in their life.   I will share insights that have helped me create my fantastic amazing life and hope they will inspire you.  I know that to be creative and authentic are two of the most important things we can do to be happy and inspired in our life.   Because I have followed my heart and been open to new ideas my life is what it is.  I have had trials and tribulations that have taught me a lot.  So here we go post number one. 

Old Irish saying "False Security, it is the only kind there is."  I love this and it makes me laugh because it is really true and once you realize it is true you can stop limiting your life by giving up what you really love and want and trying to secure.   How many of us limit ourselves trying to be secure.  How freeing to know there is no such thing.  I am not saying that some kind of common sense approach is not needed but realize that something can always happen, you can get divorced, there could be an earthquake, someone could die and you can loose everything.   Know even if it does the grass will still be growing and the sun will still be shining and people will still need things from other people.  Life goes on and so will you.   This is a good thing.

I actually have created a perfect life for myself in all aspects except for one, finding the perfect soul mate.  I am working on that, hope never dies as they say, this too is a good thing.  All the other areas of my life are amazing and I am grateful to the books I read, the groups I belong too, the friends I have and the workshops, classes and study groups I create that make it that way.  As they say "You teach what you need to know" and what I will share with you is what I have needed to know to make my life wonderful.

It has not always been wonderful like this,  I have been working on it for a lot of years so I have a lot to share.  I hope you will get something out of what you find here that you can use to create your own amazing life.  Wishing you the best life ever, it really is up to you.  Only you can live the life you were given, no one else can ever do it.

"FALSE SECURITY, IT IS THE ONLY KIND THEIR IS"  What would you do or create if you didn't have to worry about being secure?   I am curious to know.